Tuesday, March 24, 2015

is a closet update a worthy house investment?

So I've done it again. I've removed the wire shelving, which many of you know that I disdain with a passion, from yet another closet. Last time it was my son's closet. This time it's the guest room closet. I'm slowly but surely going to work my way around to every closet in the house.....she says while shaking her fist in the air.

I've decided to revamp the closet with beadboard wallpaper, wood shelving and new closet rods. A friend of mine recently asked me if I thought a project like this was a worthy house investment. She asked this because she would really like to update her closet, but there is a big possibility that she may be moving and selling in the somewhat near future. My answer was an emphatic YES it's a worthy house investment. And then I gave her a laundry list of reasons to support my answer.

Is a closet update a worthy house investment?

1. A closet update/renovation is a relatively small expense. I mean, sure it can get expensive.....any home improvement project can.......but it doesn't have to break the bank. Small expense + big improvement = a house win.....at least it does in my book.

2. While you're thinking about the future.......the possibility that you might be selling and moving..........you're currently living with a situation, a closet, that you absolutely hate. And on top of that you're living with a closet you hate that you are completely capable both physically and financially to do something about.

3. I get that whole but this isn't my "forever" home way of thinking, but in the end I think life's too short to pine away for someday when you have today to make your dreams a reality.

4. Sure an updated closet isn't as important to potential buyers as say, an updated kitchen or bathroom, but don't be fooled into thinking that you're the only homeowner that loves a well designed, organized closet. A closet update will most definitely be attractive to potential buyers should you decided to sell. And add that updated closet to your updated kitchen and bathroom and now you're tipping the scales in your favor.

5. Every improvement you make to your home can't be measured in investment dollars. Some improvements won't necessarily pay you back financially but might just help you get your home sold faster.......and that's worth something isn't it? It's often organization improvements, like nice closet shelving, that make your home stand out from the rest.

You all know I'm living in my fifth house, not too inventive in the blog name category over here, so you know I've been on the buying and selling side a number of times. While I kept my list of pros to five I could honestly go on and on, but I'm curious to know what you all think? Do you think a closet update a worthy house investment?

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