Monday, March 30, 2015

the real you is sexy

I had absolutely no, and I mean NO, intention of writing this post today, but sometimes things happen in my life that I just feel moved to share with you all. Not everything I write on this little blog is about diy and design.....sometimes I share very real heartfelt stuff.....because ultimately the point of this blog is to lift other women up that they might be empowered by the truth that they are indeed wonderfully and beautifully made.

Yesterday, as those of you who follow me on instagram already know, I went bathing suit shopping.

In the past bathing suit shopping would ultimately be a very depressing experience. I've shared before about my personal struggles with body image.

This time was different. It was different for a lot of reasons. For one, I've overcome my body image issues and have learned to embrace my body. But while walking into the dressing room with a positive attitude was helpful, it was the message on the mirror that stopped me in my tracks and made me smile.

As a woman who has had body image issues since her teens, as a 36 year old married mother of two and as a parent who is raising a daughter I would like to applaud Aerie for their messaging!

"The girl in this mirror has not been retouched. The real you is sexy."

I'd like to thank them for the pep talk and for encouraging women to love and embrace their bodies!

In this overly photoshopped world we live in, when a company like Aerie comes along with a campaign like this I believe they should be applauded and celebrated! I bought 2 bathing suits and a cover up yesterday. Not just because they were super cute, but because I want to support a company that isn't selling women an image of perfection that they should be trying to achieve but is instead telling women that they are already perfect just the way they are.

Because they are darn right..........the real you is sexy......and beautiful and smart and perfect just the way you are!

Want to know how to get the perfect bathing suit body? Put a bathing suit on your body. The end!

P.S. No this is not a sponsored post. I mean if it was I would have run a brush through my hair and possibly polished my nails first. ;)

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