Monday, September 21, 2015

life lately

Well it's been 2 months since we left Lexington, KY to start a new adventure here in Charleston, SC and in a lot of ways I still feel like I'm on vacation. Which is fun............ and also a little strange. I'm loving life here, like really really loving life in this beautiful city by the sea. But I miss my sister every day. I miss being able to meet her for lunch or aimlessly meander around Target with her. Facetime and talking on the phone just isn't the same. As I prepare to celebrate my wedding anniversary a month from today, my heart is so grateful that God not only blessed me with a wonderful husband but a brother and sister I truly cherish. Calling them "in laws" just doesn't do the relationship justice. They're my people.

I didn't mean to start this Monday on such a serious, sentimental note, but I can't exactly write a life lately post and skip over how I'm feeling right now. New adventures are wonderfully exciting, but change, even good change, is an adjustment. And I wanted you to know that, in case you're going through any big changes in your life. Growing pains are a normal part of the process. Allow yourself to feel them.

On to the lighter stuff now. Slowly but surely I've unpacked nearly every box. I still have a few "seasonal decorations" boxes to sift through, but I'm in no hurry to deal with those.

This whole moving thing has been so ruff on Elsa. ;)

I've been taking it slow in the design/decorating department. I'm in no hurry "to finish" any of the rooms which may be a bad move from a blogging standpoint. The thing is I don't decorate to have something to blog about; I blog about how I'm decorating. And there really is a difference. I refuse to do things in my home for the sake of creating content for the blog as that just feels disingenuous. And since I prefer a collected look, well, that takes time. It took five years with the last house, so I guess what I'm really saying is I hope you all like process photos a little more than before and afters. Because it may be a little while. ;)

My daughter picked up my camera and snapped a few pics the other day, and I just love what she captured. This is what life around here looks like right now.

My stools came in, and I'm in major love with them. See the plans I have for the kitchen here.

I'm having all kinds of fun exploring our new town. The thrift shop lover in me is enjoying all the cool consignment and antique shops here, and obviously I've been frequenting Goodwill as well. If you live in the Charleston area I'd love for you to share the names of your favorite local shops in the comments section! And can I get an amen for pumpkin spice season?!

Speaking of fall, I'm teaming up with a crazy talented crew of women to bring you an Instagram Fall Challenge. Find out all the details over there!

I may not be doing a ton of fall decor inside my home, but I do have plans to give the front entrance a little fall makeover. I found the cutest wreaths at HomeGoods, and basically squealed with delight when I stumbled across these wreath hangers.

The cushion (Pier 1) isn't going to work out as it's too small for my chairs. :(

And in fall fashion news, Old Navy is killing it with the fall shoes for kids. Which means if you have small feet like I do (I wear a women's size 5 1/2 or 6) you're in luck because a kid's size 4 will fit you!

pink , buffalo plaid, tan
Good thing my girl still thinks it's fun to match mama.

my striped dress
Last but not least, my jaw hit the floor and I drooled all over my laptop when I found this sofa. I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival! I've never bought a large piece of furniture without seeing it in person first, but World Market has yet to disappoint me and the price was too good to pass.

Here's to Monday! You got this!

*affiliate links used

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