Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Cleaning!

Phew! Better dust the cobwebs off this here blogity blog…

I realized I haven't blogged ONE SINGLE TIME in the year 2016. What the crap? Ya'll probably thought I was dead. I'm not dead, but I was taking some time to do other things. Plus, and I know we've had this conversation before, but there are only so many crafts and projects one can do on a limited budget, with limited space, and in a virtually brand new house.

I have fallen short on my promise to share my journey into a more minimalistic lifestyle, however I have been working on that behind the scenes. I still get dressed from a capsule wardrobe, and I've curbed my thrifting/knick knack habit tremendously. Despite trimming my home decor stash, I still like to decorate my foyer for the seasons.

And no matter what you may believe, it is still possible without buying the entire seasonal aisle at your local craft store (I mean, not that I've done that…). Although JoAnn tempts me with her fresh spring style in the way of tea towels, wall art, votives, bird cages and cloches, I am standing strong in my promise not to purchase unnecessary cluttery things.

I do still buy letter “Es” regularly, but let's move on from that quickly now, shall we?

Spring Foyer Natural Elements

If you've been around here for any length of time, you probably recognize some or all of these items. That means I'm winning at minimalism! Because it's a sport to be won, apparently. But seriously though, mixing up items you already own in new ways makes things feel fresh without having to constantly buy new things.

You'll notice MOST of the knick-knacks are neutral in color. This is the main “trick” I'm using to keep my collections small. My prized ironstone pitcher set pretty much works year round for just about anything. Same goes for the twine balls, lanterns, and several bowls/containers I keep on hand.

Textured Spring Foyer Decor

I used my boxwood ball and some brightly colored books to give that Spring fresh feeling…oh yeah, and the big sign that actually says “Happy Spring,” you know – in case you weren't sure what time of year it is. Believe it or not, I've had that sign (and ball) for years.

Spring Foyer Vignette

The white bird is actually half of a salt and pepper set. I should say it's the surviving half of the set. RIP pepper.

Spring DecorSo that's all for now kids. Just dipping my toe back in the water. We are doing other projects around the house, namely – the basement, so I will be sharing progress as we accomplish things down there. Right now it just looks like a hot mess. Pretty sure that's just par for the course around here though HA! Happy Spring, ya'll!

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