Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dear Kole

k 5 years old_0115

Dear Kole, My little buddy.  You turned five years old today.  FIVE!  I blinked and it happened.  My baby is growing up.  We had your Kindergarten orientation last week.  This is my third time doing the Kindergarten thing so you’d think it would be pretty routine.  I was fine while they introduced the Kindergarten teachers. […]

The post Dear Kole appeared first on The Sunny Side Up Blog.

tips & tricks for creating a gallery wall

I heart gallery walls. like. a lot. In fact, I love them so much I have one in almost every room of my home. Creating a gallery wall can be a bit intimidating at times. Since I just recently reworked the gallery wall in our guest bedroom I thought I'd share a few of the tips and tricks I've learned along the way.

gallery walls tips & tricks

1. Think outside the frame.
When you're gathering the pieces you want to display in your gallery wall don't be afraid to think outside the frame. Bringing in pieces other than framed pictures and artwork can add more interest and personality to your gallery wall. Anything you want to display can be art, from vintage handbags to your favorite sun hat, and it's typically those unexpected pieces that add life to your display.

Gallery Wall Tip - Think Outside the Frame

Gallery Wall Tip - Think outside the frame.

2. Start with a large anchor piece. And hang it off center.
In this case I used a large chalkboard piece I made a few years ago (by layering a framed chalkboard over a canvas I wrapped with fabric). I hung it first, slightly off center, then worked around the wall from there.

Gallery Wall Tip - Start with an anchor piece and hang it off center.

3. Don't worry about spacing.
I know some of you just gasped, but really, over thinking the spacing of everything will just bog you down creatively. At least that's what it does to me. I think this is especially true when you aren't just working with frames and hard angles. When you are adding in odd elements like an ampersand or a great big sun hat, it gets too complicated trying to worry about spacing everything exactly the same. I think you're better off laying everything out on the floor in front of you to get an idea of the layout you like best before you start hanging things on the wall. Then as you start hanging things, just go with your gut. And trust your instincts.

Gallery Walls - Tips and Tricks - Don't worry about spacing.

4. Vary the sizes and create movement.
Make sure you have a good variety of horizontal and vertical pieces as well as lots of different sizes. You don't want everything lined up perfectly; you want the eye to travel.

5. Balance color.
You can see in this gallery wall that the color is balanced. There is some blue, green and black throughout the wall. You want to make sure all your color is not stuck together. Spread the color to balance the wall. This way even though you have a lot of different things displayed you're making one big statement.

Gallery Walls - tips and tricks

If you're unsure what to display or include in your gallery wall try going with a collection of some sort or maybe even a theme. This gallery wall in our guest bedroom is a bit of both as I've displayed a collection of vintage paint by numbers and I've also given it a "welcome to Kentucky" theme.

The most important tip is to just have fun and don't over think it too much. I'm no expert but I think decorating should be fun, not stressful! Don't worry about the "rules", just go with your gut and what looks good to you. It's your home, so do what makes you happy!

Monday, March 30, 2015

the real you is sexy

I had absolutely no, and I mean NO, intention of writing this post today, but sometimes things happen in my life that I just feel moved to share with you all. Not everything I write on this little blog is about diy and design.....sometimes I share very real heartfelt stuff.....because ultimately the point of this blog is to lift other women up that they might be empowered by the truth that they are indeed wonderfully and beautifully made.

Yesterday, as those of you who follow me on instagram already know, I went bathing suit shopping.

In the past bathing suit shopping would ultimately be a very depressing experience. I've shared before about my personal struggles with body image.

This time was different. It was different for a lot of reasons. For one, I've overcome my body image issues and have learned to embrace my body. But while walking into the dressing room with a positive attitude was helpful, it was the message on the mirror that stopped me in my tracks and made me smile.

As a woman who has had body image issues since her teens, as a 36 year old married mother of two and as a parent who is raising a daughter I would like to applaud Aerie for their messaging!

"The girl in this mirror has not been retouched. The real you is sexy."

I'd like to thank them for the pep talk and for encouraging women to love and embrace their bodies!

In this overly photoshopped world we live in, when a company like Aerie comes along with a campaign like this I believe they should be applauded and celebrated! I bought 2 bathing suits and a cover up yesterday. Not just because they were super cute, but because I want to support a company that isn't selling women an image of perfection that they should be trying to achieve but is instead telling women that they are already perfect just the way they are.

Because they are darn right..........the real you is sexy......and beautiful and smart and perfect just the way you are!

Want to know how to get the perfect bathing suit body? Put a bathing suit on your body. The end!

P.S. No this is not a sponsored post. I mean if it was I would have run a brush through my hair and possibly polished my nails first. ;)

Irish Water to begin reading meters ahead of first round of bills

Irish Water will tomorrow start reading meters in advance of their first round of bills. The utility confirmed last week it is expecting a large number of queries about the bills, because of gaps and errors in the information they have on some properties. Meanwhile, it is reported today that the names of more than…

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Maëstro Wandpanelen En Meer

Wanneer u begint met de afwerking van een bouw- of verbouwproject, komt u al snel tot de constatatie dat hout één van de belangrijkste materialen is, doorheen het volledige traject. Het begint natuurlijk bij de keuze van het parket en de binnendeuren. Hiermee houden de mogelijkheden van hout echter niet op. Ook voor lambriseringen, fineerpanelen, plafondpanelen en wandpanelen is het namelijk de ideale optie, om een natuurlijke warmte en stijlvolle uitstraling mee te geven aan uw klassevol interieur. En net op deze vlakken voelt Maëstro zich volledig thuis.

Voor meer info lees verder op www.gebroedersjanssen.be

Saturday, March 28, 2015

saturday style - the case for sweatpants

Happy Saturday friends! I'm back with another edition of the Saturday Style Mix, and this time I'm making the case for sweatpants. So here's the thing, my day job is such that if I want to wear sweatpants to work everyday no one will be complaining to HR. Why? Because I'm the head of HR. I'm also the head of accounting, administration, the cafeteria and janitorial services. My weekdays include driving carpool, running one million errands, keeping a family of four well fed, maintaining a somewhat clean home, attempting to keep up with laundry (my nemesis) and in my down time I moonlight as a diy design blogger. So it's not unusual for me to drop the kids at school, run to the grocery, throw something in the crockpot and then bust out a nail gun, a hot glue gun or a power saw......depending on the current project I'm fitting into my schedule.

Because of my job duties I've become a major fan of these sweatpants. I've had them for over a year and they were out of stock online for awhile. Then they came back in stock, for like 2 days, and are once again out of stock! (insert sad face) I guess I'm not the only fan. While I wear the honk out of them around the house paired with a raggedy oversized t-shirt, when I'm out and about I dress them up a bit.

Here's three easy breezey pulled together looks sporting my oh-so-comfy sweatpants. (Put them on your radar and grab them when they come back in stock - you won't regret it!)

chambray + sweatpants
chambray shirt - heart sunnies - sweatpants - shoes (on sale)
military jacket + stripes + sweatpants
jacket - striped tee
denim jacket + sweatpants
denim jacket - tassel necklace - monogrammed converse
The Style Mix posts are about trying new things, mixing it up and playing around with what you already have in your closet. So what do you think? Yes to sweatpants........or oh, honey no.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring in the kitchen

white craftsman kitchen_0019

Happy Friday friends!  I’ve done a few things around the house to welcome Spring!  There is still a lot I want to do (isn’t there always!?) and a lot of areas in my kitchen need some sprucing up, but I decided to show you where I’m at anyway.  If I wait until things are “complete” […]

The post Spring in the kitchen appeared first on The Sunny Side Up Blog.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Rental costs continue to grow, particularly in Dublin

The cost of renting a property in the private sector in Ireland rose in the last three months of 2014 by an average of 5.8%. The figures released by the Private Residential Tenancies Board, show the rise in Dublin rents is substantially above the national average at 9.6%. The average cost of renting an apartment in Dublin by…

The post Rental costs continue to grow, particularly in Dublin appeared first on MyHome.ie Advice & Blog.

IMF insists that public opposition to water charges is waning

The IMF has stated that public opposition to water charges is becoming “less heated”. It said that the reduction in charges has softened the public protests against the new regime. The comments were made in a new report on Ireland’s progress since it left the bailout in 2013. “Polls in early 2015 show a rise…

The post IMF insists that public opposition to water charges is waning appeared first on MyHome.ie Advice & Blog.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Property prices fall in February

Residential property prices fell by 0.4% nationwide in February, according to the latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO). Despite this fall, residential property prices remained up 14.9% on an annual basis. In Dublin residential property prices fell by 0.7% in February.  However, Dublin residential property prices were still 21.4% higher than in February…

The post Property prices fall in February appeared first on MyHome.ie Advice & Blog.

New deadline for registering with Irish Water set for June 30th

Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly has confirmed that June 30th will be the deadline for registering with Irish Water in order to be eligible to receive the €100 water conservation grant. He was speaking in the Dáil yesterday evening, during a private members motion by members of the Technical Group to abolish water charges. Those who do…

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

is a closet update a worthy house investment?

So I've done it again. I've removed the wire shelving, which many of you know that I disdain with a passion, from yet another closet. Last time it was my son's closet. This time it's the guest room closet. I'm slowly but surely going to work my way around to every closet in the house.....she says while shaking her fist in the air.

I've decided to revamp the closet with beadboard wallpaper, wood shelving and new closet rods. A friend of mine recently asked me if I thought a project like this was a worthy house investment. She asked this because she would really like to update her closet, but there is a big possibility that she may be moving and selling in the somewhat near future. My answer was an emphatic YES it's a worthy house investment. And then I gave her a laundry list of reasons to support my answer.

Is a closet update a worthy house investment?

1. A closet update/renovation is a relatively small expense. I mean, sure it can get expensive.....any home improvement project can.......but it doesn't have to break the bank. Small expense + big improvement = a house win.....at least it does in my book.

2. While you're thinking about the future.......the possibility that you might be selling and moving..........you're currently living with a situation, a closet, that you absolutely hate. And on top of that you're living with a closet you hate that you are completely capable both physically and financially to do something about.

3. I get that whole but this isn't my "forever" home way of thinking, but in the end I think life's too short to pine away for someday when you have today to make your dreams a reality.

4. Sure an updated closet isn't as important to potential buyers as say, an updated kitchen or bathroom, but don't be fooled into thinking that you're the only homeowner that loves a well designed, organized closet. A closet update will most definitely be attractive to potential buyers should you decided to sell. And add that updated closet to your updated kitchen and bathroom and now you're tipping the scales in your favor.

5. Every improvement you make to your home can't be measured in investment dollars. Some improvements won't necessarily pay you back financially but might just help you get your home sold faster.......and that's worth something isn't it? It's often organization improvements, like nice closet shelving, that make your home stand out from the rest.

You all know I'm living in my fifth house, not too inventive in the blog name category over here, so you know I've been on the buying and selling side a number of times. While I kept my list of pros to five I could honestly go on and on, but I'm curious to know what you all think? Do you think a closet update a worthy house investment?

Unpaid water charges may be taken from people’s wages and welfare payments

The Government is believed to be considering legislation that would take unpaid water charges from people’s income and welfare payments. The latest figures reveal that 1.23 million people have registered with Irish Water. The company feels there is a total of 1.5 million customers. Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly didn’t confirm or rule out the reports. He…

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Moo Cow Monday ~ How Now Brown Cow?

You have all seen us speak about "Black Cows".
When we post on social media, the hashtag #BlackCows is normally used, if we are posting about the cattle.
We also use #IamAngus, because Cletus, the herd bull, is a registered Angus bull, Jr, the heifer bull, is an Angus crossbred bull, and most of our cows have Angus influence.

Last week, we had our first Mot Face calf born.
We have two Mot Faced mommas and one Bald Face momma in our herd.
Typically when they calve, their babies look like them.
While tagging the calf, it was raining, therefore, the calf and momma were pretty wet.
I thought the calf was much lighter then the other calves, but again, whilst tagging you really don't have enough time to pay attention to color detail.
You are checking the overall health of the calf and making sure momma isn't getting the tagger.
No one needs to be stressed, so tagging is done as quickly and easily as possible, making sure momma and baby are paired back together, so momma can take baby to where she feels safe.

Fast forward two days, because this momma, Dona (we have talked about her before), doesn't like to bring her baby up.
It seems to be a control thing with her...
Do you see it?

The close up...

That calf is REALLY brown!

Now, I know my genetics.
I have an Animal Science degree.
Genetics was one of my most favorite courses.

Most bald face or mot face cattle come from a Hereford and an Angus cross breeding.
Typically the black in the Angus is the dominant and the Hereford marks the white.
This is why momma (Dona) is black with white face markings.

It is rare that a Angus/Hereford Momma bred to a registered Angus bull would produce a brown calf.
But it did!
How Now Brown Cow?

Rancher Girl

book club - i am having so much fun here without you

So hey, happy Monday friends! If you're new here, let me start by letting you know this isn't a book review blog, although I very much enjoy reading. I even set up a little nook in my bedroom just for me to get lost in the pages of a book. I love reading so much that when my girlfriend Cassie asked me to join a little blogger book club last year I just couldn't refuse. We read one book a month, take turns choosing books for the group to read, and then once a month post our reviews of that month's book on our blogs. So if you're visiting Our Fifth House for the house stuff and could care less about the book stuff...........no worries at all. I usually post my monthly reviews on Sunday evening, but last night I had the worst headache. And because I'm already behind posting my review of February's chosen book I decided not to wait to next Sunday. Hope you don't mind.

February's book was I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum. I totally love the cover!

book review  - I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You

However the story............not so much. So basically this is the story of a married man who has an affair. The premise of the story is pretty darn typical in that we've seen this happen so many times before.....in books, in movies.......in real life. Man cheats on his wife......the wife finds out........the cheating man then decides he doesn't want his marriage to end. Trying to repair a marriage after you have had an extramarital affair, in my opinion, is like trying to superglue your wedding china back together after you threw it on a hardwood floor. It's almost impossible to pick up the pieces after so much damage has been done. And this book, this story, explores that scenario in a very real to life way. In many ways I found this story so close to real life that it left me feeling a little depressed. It probably didn't help that the main character (the cheating man) wasn't very likable. Not so much so because he was a cheater but because he was just so. darn. selfish.

I will say, the setting if nothing else kept me entertained. It's hard not to enjoy a story set in Paris and London. What I mostly pulled away from this book was confirmation that what I believe about marriage is true - love is a verb, it's an action word, it's something you choose to do every day, it's not a noun, it's not a place you can fall in and out of, it's you deciding on a daily basis to put someone else's feelings above your own, and when you decide to stop choosing love........that is when a marriage falls apart. Maybe that's naive......but that's what I know to be true.

I can't say this book was a favorite. I will say I think Courtney Maum is a great writer. Sometimes the stories that stick with you aren't the ones that leave you inspired, they're the ones that make you think. For that reason I think it's a worthy read.

What are your thoughts? Have you read this book? What was the last book you read that really made you stop and think? One that kind of got under skin?

Read the other book club reviews of this book here: Cassie, Kirby, Katie

Next month's book is The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. I already finished it and can't wait to share my review!

Curious about what our club has read in the past? Scroll down on the sidebar to the left for a list with clickable links to those reviews.

Scarface home on the market

The incredible house used as the location for Al Pacino’s home in the film Scarface has gone on sale. Huge mansion ‘El Fureidis’ in Montecito, California was the location for the wedding between Pacino’s Tony and Michelle Pfeiffer’s Elvira in the 80s mobster classic. However, potential buyers will have to cough up more than just a few…

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Parket Renovatie

Een parketvloer heeft stijl en uitstraling, maar is aan slijtage onderhevig en dient dus soms te worden gerenoveerd. We zoomen even in op het proces van het parket herstellen.

Lees meer info hier

Friday, March 20, 2015

Gardens to savour on MyHome.ie

Earlier this week a rather interesting house went on the market in Dublin 18. 59 Beech Park Road in Foxrock is a fine property, no doubt, but what really sets it apart is its garden. After all, few houses can claim to have part of a garden that won a silver medal in the Chelsea…

The post Gardens to savour on MyHome.ie appeared first on MyHome.ie Advice & Blog.

€6.85m worth of property sold at first Allsop online auction

A total of 46 out of 65 properties were sold for a total sum of €6.85m at the first Allsop online auction this week. Bidding on properties began at 10am on Wednesday and closed just before 4pm yesterday. There were 200 registered bidders, each of whom placed a €5,000 deposit per property to register to…

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Friday Favorites

west elm trey

Happy Friday everyone!  Made it through the week!  Which is always something to celebrate.  :)  Sharing a few of my recent favorite things today!  These popcorn bowls are from World Market and they make me smile every single night.  I always pop some popcorn after the kids go to bed.  A little ritual that signals […]

The post Friday Favorites appeared first on The Sunny Side Up Blog.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

dark chocolate sunbutter bunnies

So I recently found out I'm allergic to peanuts, almonds, cashews......kale, garlic, eggs.......all dairy but goat's milk, bell pepper, ginger.......I mean I could keep going but I think you get the point.
Readjusting your diet around food allergies and sensitivities can be kind of daunting. With Easter quickly approaching the one thing that has been slapping me in the face everywhere I go are those darn delicious Reese's peanut butter eggs!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like they are taunting me! The struggle is so real! I have a major soft spot in my heart for anyone with food allergies because it's a hard road to travel sometimes.

Not to be defeated I played around in the kitchen and came up with a pretty tasty alternative using sunflower seed butter and allergy free dark chocolate chips. These little bunnies are not only quite delicious, but they also don't have all the added crap that prepackaged candies tends to have in them. Dare I say that these yummy treats are "healthy"?!

dark chocolate sunflower seed bunnies

These are so easy to make! You don't have to use a bunny mold, but who doesn't love a chocolate bunny for Easter? You can buy one online here or pick one up at your local craft store.

1 cup Enjoy Life Dark Chocolate Morsels - (these are dairy, nut and soy free) & Target sells this brand now!
1 tbsp. + 1tsp. coconut oil
1/2 cup organic sunflower seed butter
2 1/2 tbsp. grade b maple syrup
2 tsp. coconut flour

Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a double boiler or microwave at 30 second intervals stirring between until mixed and totally melted. Fill each bunny about halfway and use a butter knife to coat the sides. Stick tray in the freezer for a few minutes to allow the melted chocolate to set. Then mix together the sunflower seed butter, maple syrup & coconut flour. Pull tray out of freezer and add about 1/2 a tsp. of the sunbutter mixture to each bunny. Use a fork or butter knife to smoosh the butter down. Then pour the remaining chocolate over the top and stick the tray back into the freezer to set for about 15 minutes. Pull out your tray and carefully pop your bunnies out and enjoy!

chocolate sunbutter bunnies - dairy free - gluten free - nut free

They're soooooo good! And they would look adorable in an Easter brunch table setting!

allergy friendly homemade easter candies - chocolate sunbutter bunnies

Five people each paid property tax on more 500 houses they own

The Revenue Commissioners have revealed that five people each paid property tax on more than 500 houses they each own. The five were among 100 multi-homeowners, who discharged their Local Property Tax (LPT) liabilities for 2014. Four other individuals paid LPT for ownership of between 400 and 500 each. A further 65 people are among those…

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Real Estate Alliance to host their UK property show in London this Saturday

Real Estate Alliance will host their UK property show this Saturday from 11am to 2pm in the Millennium Gloucester Hotel and Conference Centre in London. The group will be presenting a large sample of their properties all across Ireland with many properties under €100,000. You can still register your interest in the event at www.realestatealliance.ie/london

The post Real Estate Alliance to host their UK property show in London this Saturday appeared first on MyHome.ie Advice & Blog.

US billionaire buys Dublin hotel

A consortium involving billionaire US investor John Malone has bought one of Dublin’s leading hotels. John Malone Partnership (JMP), which also includes Paul Higgins and Lalco, has agreed to acquire the five-star InterContinental Hotel in Ballsbridge, formerly known as the Four Seasons, from London & Regional Property for an undisclosed sum. JMP and InterContinental Hotel…

The post US billionaire buys Dublin hotel appeared first on MyHome.ie Advice & Blog.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reader Space: A Wow of a Workspace!

One of the reasons I look forward to Reader Space days, is because it allows me to live vicariously through many of you in new ways. Sometimes I get to virtually move into your larger pantries, other times I have the opportunity to see how you smartly organize an awkward nook and frequently I daydream about design styles and colors that I haven't yet utilized in my own home.

Today's home office made me say, "WOW" out loud. In fact, my husband asked why I was gasping at my Instagram feed. Expecting to see that I was gaga over a photo of Ryan Gosling looking back at me with his magical eyes, he was a little surprised that an office space could create such a reaction. But for me, they can! Carmel's crazy awesome home office is another amazing story of making the most of a wall, creating the feeling of a "room" where there once was none and taking the time to create special moments that make you feel good about where you work. I know that Carmel will be singing a new tune as she writes posts for her blog, Our Fifth House. As soon as I spotted her new dreamy hot spot, I had to know more!

What is the main function of the space?

"A couple of months ago I decided to carve out some space in our basement for me to use as a work space. This is the only space in our home that is just for me! This is where I blog. It's also where I store all of my gift wrapping supplies and most of my craft supplies."

Any superstar tips for keeping it organized?

"For me the only way to keep things organized is to give everything it's own home. Every item in my work space has an easy-to-access designated spot, so I have no excuse to let things pile up on my desk. I'm also a big fan of baskets and vintage suitcases that help to corral things in an eye-pleasing way."

What items did you find were essential when organizing this space and why?

"The pegboard really helps to organize all the little things that can tend to get lost in desk drawers. Also I find that having a visible calendar in my work space really helps me to stay on my game. Working from home is such a blessing but the days tend to run together a bit, and I find that having a big visual calendar helps me to manage my time much more efficiently."

What did you do to go the extra mile and "make it pretty"?

"Adding a frame to outline the calendar really gives these inexpensive chalkboard panels I purchased from The Home Depot a lot more visual bang for the buck. Adding the frame really helped to marry form and function. I also used scraps of fabric to make a pennant banner to add some fun color and pattern to this little space."

What items did you DIY to stay on a budget?

"To visually separate this space from the rest of our basement I painted just this section of the wall white and used inexpensive chalkboard panels attached with command strips for art. I painted the pegboard with chalkboard paint to match the panels so it would look like one giant piece."

How has it impacted your life for the better?

"Having one place to keep my office, craft and gift wrapping supplies has been so huge for me. They were previously all stored in different places, and I felt like I was always running all over the house trying to find things. Having a designated work space has also helped me to better organize my work time."


I agree. I couldn't love having a designated place to work from more. It is where I spend such a large amount of my time, and it really keeps me much more productive.

Carmel created a "room" by painting and paneling a portion of a larger wall. It looks incredible and really allowed her to claim her personal space. Her chalkboard calendar is decorative and functional at the same time. I always believe in making our organizational systems beautiful and encouraging them to act as beautiful home decor when not in use, and Carmel completely nailed it here. And what about that black pegboard? I know so many people instantly think about pairing color with white to make it shine, but look at how the black does the same thing so beautifully! Not to mention, the character added with each organizational bin, basket and tool.

A giant thank you to Carmel for bring us an amazing home office created with heart and a beautiful color story. I took away a lot of big ideas from her dynamic small space. You can read more about her home office here, as well as her pegboard storage here and her DIY chalkboard calendar here.

* All images courtesy of Our Fifth House
ATTENTION!! Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition? Have an awesome organizing story to share? I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life, big or small. They can be anything from an organized drawer or cabinet to an entire room. Please submit your story and photos to iheartreaderspace@gmail.com, and I would heart to feature them right here on the blog!! Photos should be high resolution and unedited. Please include a description of the project and how it has changed your life or routine for the better! Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice! Only love goes on at this blog!

SCSI launch first TV campaign

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) launched its first TV ad campaign on Monday. The ad aims to highlight the variety of career choices which exist within surveying and to encourage students to consider the profession as a career choice. The campaign will run on all the main Irish channels for three weeks in…

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spring mantel tweaking

Spring makes me want to lighten and brighten things up in my home. It's the time of year when I really go for that whole less is more look. I gave the mantel a fresh spring look without reinventing the wheel. I basically used the same set-up I had up here before with just a few little tweaks to give it a simple spring look.

equestrian spring mantel

You can go back and take a look at the Valentine mantel I threw together last month. You'll see that for this spring mantel all I really did was change White Beauty's scarf from a red winter plaid to a sheer light cream with pom poms. The only other change was to bring in some trophy cups. Since spring in Kentucky means derby and I clearly dig an equestrian look it just feels right to go ahead an get a little theme-y. ;)

equestrian spring mantel

A grouping of glass jars is such a simple way to let one inexpensive bunch of flowers really shine. Plus just by changing the flowers you have a whole new look.

equestrian spring mantel

equestrian spring mantel

Have you made any spring decorating changes in your home? A few little tweaks go a long way to bringing a breath of fresh air to your home.

An Post must hand over addresses to Irish Water

An Post must hand over personal addresses to Irish Water under new rules signed into law last week. The Irish Independent has reported that Environment Minister Alan Kelly signed a statutory order that gives the company access to An Post’s database of addresses. It is reported the move will ensure bills sent from next month reach…

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Week Ahead Prep


How do you generally feel during the week?  Productive and on top of things?  Or like I do most of the time – frantic and scattered and barely getting by.  From the minute I wake up Monday morning until around 8:00 Friday night I feel like I am doing all I can to just survive. […]

The post Week Ahead Prep appeared first on The Sunny Side Up Blog.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Quick Tip Tuesday: Organized Travel

Hello pals! I hope your week is off to a beautiful start! I am currently in NYC for a really amazing brand collaboration, and have been enjoying my time in the city. Always such a fun change from small town rural life.

I apologize that I will be MIA for much of the week while exciting things are happening behind the scenes. I will definitely be checking in during spare seconds and still have a few posts lined up. I was also hoping to share with you our hardware selection for our kitchen yesterday, however, the pieces I selected for the glass cabinets didn't work out during Saturday's installation day. Fingers crossed the new pieces arrive and everything goes swimmingly when I get back home.

When I arrived at the hotel on Sunday, I realized I haven't yet shared a little gem of a packing tip. I may be late to the game, but one little change really made a fabulous impact to my travel experience.

Three words: Mesh Garment Bags. These things are amazing. They come in a variety of sizes, and allow me to really maximize the space in my carry-on suitcase.

When I pack for a work trip, I never know what to expect in terms of clothing, weather and event experiences. Things change at the drop of a dime, and I like to have back-up options in case I make a mess of myself or realize I completely mis-judged appropriate attire.

For this five day trip, I packed three pair of jeans (white, black and blue), two skirts and eight tops. I also packed under garments, layering tanks, a blazer, two sets of pajamas and accessories (not shown above).

So why do I love those little mesh sacks? So glad you asked:
  • They are less expensive than typical travel cubes.
  • I prefer to roll my clothing when I pack to save space, the mesh sack conforms to the shape of my clothing, yet keeps everything from unrolling.
  • They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different clothing types.
  • They are small enough to bring a few extras to separate out dirty laundry.
  • They can be used to pack specific outfits for each day (include shoes, jewelry and clothing pieces into a separate sack for each day), or divide out clothing by function (sleepwear, pants/shirts, etc...).

All those pants, skirts and shirts, all nice and neat in a little laundry bags. Good thing I played a lot of Nintendo Tetris as a kid. I also used a delicate bra pouch for all of my undergarments and one for sleepwear/tanks.

And still plenty of space for the rest of my "necessities".

I shared my toiletry organization a few years ago and not much has changed since. And if you were wondering if label tape holds up on the toiletry bottles even when wet day after day... it sure does!

I also love using a jewelry roll for all jewelry/accessories.

Another tip is to also collect shower caps every time you stay at a hotel. They are great for wrapping your shoes in your suitcase so nothing gets dirty.

And since I am on a roll, and this is no longer one quick tip, I will just keep going. Something I just started doing, is taking advantage of my Dropbox account synced with iPhone/iPad.

I scour my Pinterest boards and search for outfits that are current for my closet (for example, I will search for "white jeans" or "floral top") and then I save those images to a Travel -> Outfits folder on Dropbox. I also create a folder for Travel Details/Docs, Photos and Receipts. This way, I can access the outfit inspiration while dressing for an event, I can access any travel documentation, important contacts and itineraries if something becomes misplaced and I can take a photo of receipts with my phone and save them to review later, or turn in for reimbursement if applicable. I also keep hard copies of my receipts in a small poly envelope that I tuck into my planner. Lastly, as I am taking photos with my phone, I can update them to Dropbox and delete them from my phone to save on storage.

My last tip is to take everything out of your suitcase and hang it up instantly. This is obvious, but it will prevent your luggage from looking like it was tossed by TSA security three times, lost, hit by a tornado and then ransacked by a dog who smells a treat at the very bottom. Which is typically how mine looks within three minutes of arriving to the hotel.

And for fun, I thought I would round up some of my favorite travel products. Enjoy!


  1. Mesh laundry pouches - as outlined above, they are a great packing cube alternative.
  2. Jewelry rolls keep jewelry safe and prevent tangles.
  3. Travel sized lint rollers will ensure you are dust and lint free on meeting/event day.
  4. Mini cosmetic cases are wonderful for holding everything from daily vitamins to stud earrings.
  5. Tuck a few dryers sheets in your suitcase between clothing to keep everything smelling fresh. They are also great for rubbing onto your blouses and skirts to prevent cling issues.
  6. Pre-pack a toiletry bag with your favorite products emptied into small, TSA friendly bottles.
  7. Select a cosmetic bag with multiple pouch options and one with handles that allow you to hang it on the back of the bathroom door or nearby hook.
  8. It is always important to add identification to your luggage. Tech Tags that utilize cloud technology to help insure your items a safe recovery if lost.


  1. Headphones will keep you entertained during your flight. Keep them tangle free with an ear-bud cord wrap.
  2. Ear-buds keep your ears happy with tunes, gum keeps your ears happy while changing altitudes.
  3. Corral all of your important travel documents and keep them right at hand with a handy travel wallet/organizer.
  4. I don't know about you, but I always feel a little rough after a flight, especially after sleeping in a crunched up ball. I like to keep a travel size bottle of dry shampoo to give my hair a little refresh/bounce after landing.
  5. Same story for the face. I don't pack the pressed powder in my toiletry bag; that goes right into my personal bag to rid my face of oil build-up during the flight.
  6. Mini hair brush for that mini bed plane head fixing.
  7. When I am traveling all day, I am sure to burn through my phone/tablet battery sooner than normal. A pre-charged battery cell will get you a few extra charges throughout the day if needed.
  8. I pre-load my tablet with magazines and books prior to my flight. This saves on bag space and shoulder pain, as I use to lug those items with me. They are also handy to have for games, music, movies and even web browsing on Wi-Fi flights. Lastly, load Dropbox on your tablet to keep all of your important digital files easily accessible at any time.
  9. Most often, I am meeting someone straight off of the airplane. I like to give myself a little spritz of perfume during my quick freshen up process. Most perfumes come in travel sized bottles, or you can purchase them and transfer your favorite scents at home.
  10. Flights always make me feel dried out; both my hands and lips. For hands, I always keep a small tube of hand creme in my carry-on.
  11. And a little chapstick for my lips!
  12. These folios are also great for travel docs, receipts, and any other files you may be transporting across the globe.
  13. It is probably no surprise I take my planner with me everywhere, so of course it makes the cut onto the plane. In fact, I love to store all of the hard copies of any travel docs I have right inside the cover.

So now that I spilled my favorite travel/packing tips (which ended up being a few quick tips), what are yours? What one item is a "must" when jet setting off for business or pleasure?