Friday, February 6, 2015

high five it's Friday

Hey friends and happy Friday! I'm so pumped for the weekend! It's 18 degrees here in Lexington this morning but according to my weather app it's supposed to warm up to 50 over the weekend! I mean........I just might bust out my shorts and flips flops!!

Clearly I'm delirious so now would be a good time to jump into the random Friday five!

1. Speaking of Fridays I'm pretty sure this shirt is a NEED!

2. I get asked all the time where I got the scrabble tiles that I've used in different decorating on my Valentine's Mantel

valentine mantel

and in my bedroom reading nook.

bedroom reading nook

It's always kind of a bummer when I've picked something up locally that more of my readers won't be able to find. I found these scrabble tile coasters at a local coffee shop called Coffee Times, but I was thrilled to have found them online here for the rest of you!

scrabble tile coasters

3. Are you following along with Cassie's new home progress? Oh my word y'all it's crazy good! I can't wait to see it all come together.

Hi Sugarplum! Kitchen Renovation Progress

4. My friend Courtney shared some of her photo styling tips and tricks this week. Blogging friends there's lots of good stuff in that post so be sure to check it out.

blogging tips and tricks from A Thoughtful Place - styling and shooting

5. Last but not least I want to touch on something that has really weighed heavy on my heart this week. My guess is even if you aren't a football fan you probably tuned in to the Super Bowl. I know I always look forward to the commercials and the half-time show. ;) This year's commercials were, um, in a word.......different. One in particular really stung. The Nationwide commercial did not sit well with me. I don't know how it struck you but I personally feel like there's a time for that type of discussion and the Super Bowl doesn't exactly seem like the right time. That commercial touched on some of my worst fears as a parent and made me feel sick to my stomach.

I didn't realize when I was pregnant that I was signing up for a world of worry. I'm pretty sure the Webster's definition of a parent is - a person who worries constantly about their child. But God reminds me that while I'm a mother and while I will worry about my children, I am also His daughter and He wants to bear that load of worry for me. My prayer for you mommas it that you would let that truth fill your heart and your mind so much that there would be no room for worry!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Let's hope for warm weather!

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