Thursday, February 5, 2015

painted legs

So I had been looking for a desk chair for my workspace in the basement for quite a while. I knew I wanted something upholstered. I thought I wanted something vintage, but I couldn't quite find anything I loved. Then one day I'm in Target to buy toilet paper (because that's always how it happens right?!) and I see this red chair and flip my lid. I start pushing my cart faster knocking innocent bystanders out of the way to get to the chair before anyone else knabs it because I could only see one chair and gosh darn it, it was coming home with me! And it's like the stars aligned because when I got to the register I found out it was a clearance chair that had been marked down to $50! #meanttobe

I LOVED the lines of the chair and was completely infatuated with the color and print of the upholstery.........I just wasn't crazy about her dark espresso brown legs. The dark legs just seem to weigh her down, and I just wasn't feeling them, ya know? (If I was a good blogger I would have a before picture here, but I'm not a good blogger. Y'all will just have to use your imaginations.)

Martha Stewart came to the rescue. Girl can really help a sister out in a tough spot. I grabbed a bottle of her vintage decor paint (from Michael's) which is basically chalk paint (leave it to Martha to call it something fancy) and in just two easy breeze-y coats I had preppy looking white legs.

chair leg makeover with Martha Stewart vintage decor paint
What I love about Martha's paint is that it's easily ordering online.....just pop in your local craft store......and get home and get your craft on. I also love that this particular paint requires no sanding - just make sure the surface is clean and get to painting - boom - done!

I really wish I had a before picture for you because it really is amazing how this one simple and easy change made such a huge's kind of like getting your eyebrows waxed. ;) The white legs compliment the upholstery fabric and really let the pattern shine. If I was in a funky mood I would have painted them turquoise, but there's enough crazy going on in the place where this new chair will live.

So moral of this quick story.........sometimes all a chair really needs is quick spruce up......painted legs just might be the easiest way to give a chair a whole new lease on life.

chair leg makeover with Martha Stewart vintage decor paint

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