Tuesday, June 2, 2015

dark chocolate dipped potato chips

So hey friends, I've got a little confession to make................I'm a movie theatre snack sneaker. As in I sneak my own snacks in to the movie theatre! Eeeek.........Please don't call the movie theatre police! I just have such a hard time paying $45,000 for popcorn and candy. I mean, I know I'm being a little overly dramatic but seriously how is a tub of popcorn like $10 at a movie theatre?! I just can't. I can't! I could buy a whole bottle of wine for that price! This doesn't mean I never buy popcorn......I do......sometimes........but I prefer to sneak in my own snacks. If that makes me a criminal, well I guess go ahead and lock me up and throw away the key.

The thing is popcorn, as some of you may well know, isn't "paleo". Not that I eat 100% perfect paleo all the time, but popcorn really doesn't sit well with me. It kind of upsets my stomach. At least that's the story I'm sticking to if I ever get caught sneaking in my own snacks. ;)

So I started making these bad boys for trips to the movies and holey-moley are they darn delicious! I mean, y'all, if you haven't had a dark chocolate dipped potato chip you basically haven't lived. For real! It's the perfect combination of salty and sweet and in my opinion, the very best snack to grub on while watching Tomorrowland with your family. Plus, and I'm not going to make the case for these are "healthy" but as compared to popcorn and a giant box of m&m's I'm saying these dipped chips are at least healthier. Plus, I always make regular potato and sweet potato chips, so we're getting a little dose of vitamin A in there too!

dark chocolate dipped potato chips

dark chocolate dipped potato chips

- 1 cup dark chocolate chips (I use Chatfield's Double Dark Semi Sweet Chips. They're nut, dairy and soy free. Local peeps - Whole Foods carries them.)
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- potato chips (I like Jackson's Honest Chips (Whole Foods), which are cooked in coconut oil, and Boulder Canyon (Kroger), the ones cooked in avocado oil. Jackson's makes regular potato chips too, but I prefer wavy potatoes for dipping in chocolate.)

Add chocolate chips and coconut oil to a microwave safe bowl. Heat on high for 30 second intervals, mixing in between until completely melted. Dip your chips into the melted chocolate and spread out on parchment lined tray. Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Done! Seriously, they are so easy to make! Pop them in a ziploc bag and sneak them in to the theatre this summer. But if you get caught don't blame me! ;)

The really great thing about these chocolate dipped chips - they are totally paleo approved - gluten, dairy, nut and soy free! So these are a great allergy friendly treat to serve at kid's parties!


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