Saturday, August 8, 2015

life lately

Happy Friday friends! Life lately has been a blur.......a fun blur...... but a blur none the less. Today, I thought I'd give you a behind the scenes peek.

Pretty much every morning for the past few days has been filled with nothing but unpacking........and coffee. These floral pj pants make wearing pj's 'til noon a must.

Unpacking is a funny thing. It almost always looks worse before it starts to look better. At least that's what I keep telling myself. ;) #feelfreetosendhelp

My plan today is to unpack until lunch time then go out and have some fun with the kiddos. A bunch of y'all have asked about how the kids are handling the transition, and if we've done anything in particular to help ease all these new changes in their lives. I plan to write about that next week, but I will say that making time during both the packing and unpacking process to do some fun things as a family has made a positive impact. I know there's this rush that you feel when you move into a new place to unpack everything as fast as possible, but as I told a friend the other's not a race. I think it's a lot less stressful to unpack in stages and make time to do other fun things.

My boy's room got painted last week before the movers arrived. (Thankful my brother-in-law likes to help........too bad he already went back to Kentucky.) I chose Sherwin Williams Shoji White for his walls. The power of paint always amazes me. The lighter walls made an immediate impact making the room look and feel much larger.

So I decided to give Rocksbox a try. I'm not a huge fan of most of the subscription services that are out there, but this one seemed too good not to try. If you've not heard of Rocksbox, it's basically a jewelry-loving girl's dream come true. For $19/month you get 3 designer pieces to try and you can return them for a new set of 3 pieces as many times as you want. Endless options - zero commitment - sign me up! If you want to give it a try you can get your first month for free with code - ourfifthhousexoxo.
loren hope cuff  - rocksbox

That Loren Hope cuff retails for $68, so it's nice to try it out for a fraction of the price with zero buying commitment.

Last but not least I got a new bike this week! AND I LOVE IT! Like major LOVE! I've been looking for a new bike for awhile. I sold my old (awesome garage sale find) bike before we moved. It had seen better days and only had two gears. Anyhow, I really don't know a ton about bikes except that they can be super expensive. Like up to $800 for a bike?! Say what?! Being that I'm not a full on cyclist and was just wanting something cute and comfortable.......emphasis on the cute.......I didn't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money. That being said, we ride bikes as a family a LOT. Like pretty much every day before or after dinner. Riding bikes together is kind of our thing. So I wanted a good quality bike. But I'm not going to lie, my number one requisite was that it had to be mint green, and it had to have a basket. I feel like I hit the jackpot with this Schwinn Admiral 7 speed hybrid we found at Walmart for $159. The basket came separately....but I obviously had to try it on in the store. ;)

schwinn admiral mint green

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I keep going out to the garage just to look at it. :) I've already road tested it a bunch, and it passes with flying colors.

Happy Weekend friends! I'm hoping to finish unpacking the kitchen and get a jumpstart on the kids' closets. I'm also planning to hit the beach! What are y'all up to this weekend?!

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