Monday, January 25, 2016

my organized closet

One of the things I love most about our new house (wonder when I'll stop referring to it as "new"?.....maybe after we've been here a year?) is that the hubs and I each have our own walk-in closet. It feels like such a luxury to have a closet all to myself. And while I'm already a big time nerd about all things organization, having a closet space all to myself has sent me into major organization geek mode. Last fall I shared my simple trick for keeping my closet streamlined and organized, and today I'm giving you a little closet tour!

Someday I'd like to replace the wire shelving with a nicer looking closet system, but for now I had laminate shelves (from Lowe's) cut down to size and slid them right on top of the wire shelves. It was easy and inexpensive, and it's working like a charm.

organized closet

I really love how versatile the laminate shelves are as they can be used for stacks of clothes or shoes.

laminate shelves cut down to fit over wire closet shelving

In another attempt to disguise the wire shelving, I looped ribbon (Hobby Lobby) through the wire edge fronts of each shelf. Totally not necessary, but for a couple of dollars and five minutes of my time I think it was worthwhile. If for no other reason than it makes me smile when I walk in here.

laminate shelves cut down to fit over wire closet shelving  - wire fronts disguised with fabric ribbon

I prefer to use wood hangers. I like that they're a tad bulkier than plastic or velvet hangers, so they force me not to over stuff my closet rods. I've had these hangers for years now, and I collected them slowly only buying them whenever they were on sale.

closet organization

I'm a big time lover of bins, baskets and labels (#organizationnerdalert) for corralling things. These fabric bins (purchased at Target years ago) easily slide in and out just like drawers.

organized closet

To maximize every bit of accessible storage, I brought in a couple of shelf risers (Bed, Bath & Beyond) to get a few more shoes into this spot.

shelf risers for shoe shelves

I also brought in a decorative ladder, I had once used as a towel rack in our old house, to use for heels. It's been a great little solution as it packs a lot of storage into a very small footprint.

organized closet - leaning ladder for shoe storage - organized heels

And I've already showed you this pegboard jewelry organizer I made to hang on the wall behind door.

jewelry organizer - organized closet

I brought the chair in to use as a step stool of sorts since this closet is tall, and I'm kind of short. I also like to set out my workout clothes on that chair, so I have no excuses when I wake up in the morning.

organized closet

closet organization

I like to outfit plan the night before, so I added a hook here to hang tomorrow's outfit. I'm not a morning person at all, so planning the night before is the key to making my morning routine run smoothly.

a hook for

Last but not least I brought in a few "pretties", all of which I already had.

find the printable here
organized closet

I really do believe that when you take the time to make a space pretty, even something as utilitarian as a closet, you will be 100 times more likely to keep it looking nice, clean and clutter free. At least that's how it seems to work in my house. And the big plus is that a closet is such a fun do-whatever-you-want space to play with your decorating as it's a space that is for your eyes only. I had fun girling this space up with accessories I already had. And since my hub has his own closet he doesn't mind. ;)

Are you still in organization mode? Or has the January organization inspiration already left the building for you?

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