Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Changes, A Face Lift, and New Beginnings!

Drewman has moved into a rent house with a few of his buddies.
It really wasn't a hard transition for Flower Boy and I, because Drewman has been away at college for the past year and a half.
I am not sure it was even a transition for Drewman to make the move.
He was ready for a new beginning and growth!

Not many things had to be purchased, for the move, as the young men he was moving in with already have the house established and set up.
Drewman did have to purchase a bed.
The Big Kids had a few extra things from their move that Drewman could use.
I found a steal on an older hardwood desk.

I couldn't wait to get it home and give it a face lift!

Like many of my projects, when I saw the desk, I knew exactly how I wanted to transform it.
It started with sanding.

As Flower Boy and I uncovered the old finish, I sent this photo to Drewman.
His response was much of what I expected.
At that point, I knew this was going to be a Ranchey Design!

I painted the lower portion, of the desk, a deep brown.
I made sure to only apply one coat of paint, as Drewman has a passion for wood grain.
Had the wood grain not shown through the paint, I had fear he would not be happy.

A light sanding to the top and drawer fronts were done, leaving some of the original stain in the wood grain.

Polyurethane was then applied to the desk top and drawer fronts.

The original drawer pulls were placed back on the drawers.

The desk fits perfectly in Drewman's new room!
I love that this is an older desk with height, as well as, a large top and several drawers.
It allows Drewman the surface area a 6'5" college student needs for photos, his bible, simple reminders of home, homework and laptop space.
The drawers can even be used as storage.
This desk is very versatile and sturdy enough to grow with Drewman after college.
The best part...
He can actually sit in a chair and his knees do not hit the desk top!

Here's to Changes, A Face Lift, and New Beginnings!
For the desk and Drewman!

Rancher Girl

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