Monday, February 15, 2016

so I married a blogger - an interview with the mr.

Hey friends! Happy Friday! Today I'm participating in a fun blog hop style series with an inspiring group of creative women.......and their significant others. In celebration of Valentine's Day a group of us bloggers have decided to gift burden our husbands with an interview featured on our blogs for Valentine's Day. They were all super thrilled with us. ;) Oh hey honey, I know you have a real job and all.....but I need you to answer these 17 questions for my blog. Cool? Okay, thanks, love you!

So without further adieu.......Let me formally introduce you all to Mr. Fifth House. Well, I guess he should now be referred to as Mr. Sixth House, right? His name is Brad......actually it's Bradley, but only his mom and mine call him that. We met in 1998. He's 7 years my senior......a little known fact I hardly ever let him forget.....I'm totally gracious like that. We got engaged in 1999 and married in 2000. Round numbers make it easy for him to remember how many years we've been married. No honey, it just feels like it's been 30 years......this October we'll celebrate 16 years of wedded bliss.

All joking aside, he's my favorite person. I can't imagine doing life without him. He doesn't complete me; Jesus does.....but it's nothing short of an honor to be his wife. He makes life an adventure in all the best ways possible.

Huge thanks to Claire Brody for organizing this fun interview series and for coming up with all the questions!

1. How involved are you with Carmel's blog?

I usually have an idea of what she is working on. Not that she asks for my opinion......ever. ;)

*Does this mean he wants me to ask for his opinion about blog stuff?

2. How often do you read the blog? Are you an avid reader or do you see enough at home?

Once a week.......but admittedly once I start I will usually read several posts and all the comments.

*Surprised! I didn't know he read that often!

3. How much time does Carmel spend on her blog? What are her hours like?

She spends A LOT of time on it. She will work most of the day while the kids are at school, then a little after they go to bed.

4. Are you the cheap manual labor or is there hired help for that? In other words, does Carmel use you for your handy work?

I'm HORRIBLE around the house, so it is seldom that she asks me. On those rare occasions, it is almost always captured on film, like a bigfoot sighting.

*Ha! This is absolutely accurate! The tools around here are mine. He helps on occasion, but he'd rather poke his eye out than diy anything. For the bog stuff we hire out.

5. Describe Carmel's style.

Chic, but reserved, with a touch of whimsy.

* I. am. speechless. I've never in my life heard him say the word whimsy. I guess he really does read the blog weekly. ;)

6. Describe your style.

A cross between Peter O'Toole, Steve McQueen. Part dapper, part cowboy. As if that were a thing.

*Best description ever! And pretty much spot on.

7. How often does your home change?

It changes daily. Like every. day.

*Didn't realize he noticed.

8. How many different sofas have you had since marrying Carmel?


*Actually, I think the correct answer is 9.

9. How often do you offer decorating advice? Does she consider your opinion?

I offer it.......she considers it.......then does what she planned on doing before I offered it. She thinks I need to leave the 60's.

*Ha! That's not totally true. I just love a good mix of styles. And what is it they say about a happy wife........

10. What's your favorite room in the house? Why?

My office. It's the perfect space for me. Clean lines. Heavy furniture.

*His office in our fifth house was a favorite space of mine as well! All of the same furniture moved into his office in the new house. Though the room is hardly "finished" I'm glad to hear he's already loving his space. His office here won't have those gorgeous floor to ceiling bookcases, so it's going to be a little different design wise but still led by what he loves most - 60's inspired design details.

11. What does it really look like behind the camera?

She is an exquisite homemaker. She keeps a very clean house. Not that it's always clean, but she is usually working to get it back to clean (2 kids, 2 dogs, me).

*Exquisite? Someone's trying to earn brownie points.

12. What is a project you hate but have never voiced (or maybe you have)?

I don't have one. Even the REALLY feminine projects (pink bathroom in house 5) have ended up looking great.

*Again with the brownie points.

13. Do you know Carmel's blogger friends? If so, who's your favorite?

I know of a couple. Freckleschick is my fave. ;)

*Uh, not sure what that winking smile is all about, but she's a favorite of mine as well. :)

14. What's your favorite aspect of Carmel being a blogger? Least favorite?

I like that our house is fun, changing and always looks well designed. My least favorite is reading GOMI and reading derogatory opinions of the sweetest person I know from people that have never met her, but it's kind of hilarious at the same time that they care that much.

*This was the only answer of his I considered editing. For one thing some of y'all may not even know what GOMI is, and second I hate to give any traffic to a site that is primarily dedicated to gossiping and trash talking bloggers. But editing my husband's remarks felt disingenuous. And if that truly is his least favorite part of me being a blogger, than I feel like I should honor his feelings instead of editing them.

GOMI stands for get off my internets. In the forums section of the site people basically post all sorts of less than kind words. I get it, my style isn't for everyone. That being said, not all of the comments about my bl

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