Tuesday, April 7, 2015

bh&g refresh magazine feature

I'm a big fan of many of Better Homes & Gardens special interest publications. In fact the inspiration to distress our kitchen cabinets actually came from a kitchen makeover I fell in love with in their Kitchens & Bath Ideas magazine.

But of all their special interest publications my absolute favorite, hands down, is Refresh magazine!
So last year when I received an email that they were interested in featuring my home in their magazine, I honestly looked around the room and thought, "Am I being punked?" I distinctly remember telling my husband that I doubted it would actually happen. Even last fall when the crew came to shoot our house and when the writer called to interview me I still didn't have high hopes. I thought for sure the whole thing would end up falling through, and I was honestly okay with that. I was just grateful that I somehow landed on their radar, and I was grateful that I got to experience the behind the scenes action of a magazine photo shoot.

So yesterday when I went to Target because I'd heard from a few blog friends that the magazine was on stands and it did in fact have pictures of my home in it, I literally cried right there in the middle of the magazine aisle like a big giant crazy lady. They weren't just tears of joy.........and excitement...........and of utter disbelief; I cried because I was so completely overwhelmed by God's grace and by His amazing plans.

Better Homes & Gardens Refresh Magazine featuring Our Fifth House

I'm just a wife and mom who likes to decorate. I have no idea how this happened, but oh my goodness am I beyond honored and so very thankful to all of you for coming along on this blogging journey with me!

Refresh Magazine featuring Our Fifth House

I'm so grateful for the crew (Anna Forkum & Anthony-Masterson) that came to style and photograph our home. And I'm beyond thankful to Sarah Egge, the writer, who totally captured the essence of this little blog. I don't pretend to be a design expert and my diy skills are less than stellar; but I'm not afraid to fly my style freak flag! And my hope is that this blog will inspire you to do the same!

The summer issue of Refresh is filled with lots of good stuff! Grab yourself a copy. I grabbed five. ;)

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