Thursday, April 30, 2015

oily essentials for healthy living

Last fall when I signed up as a wholesale member of Young Living I had absolutely zero intention of ever sharing anything about essential oils on the blog. There are enough bloggers out there that do that - am I right?! The only reason I signed up as a wholesale member was to get the 24% off discount. Seeing as how there are no monthly order minimums with Young Living it seemed like a no brainer. I mainly signed up because I wanted to get my hands on some Thieves oil and cleaner, and I didn't want to pay full price. Y'all know I love me a bargain!

Fast forward 6 months and I'm so in love with my oils it feels like a crime not to share them with you all. In my opinion that's what good girlfriends do........they let you in on their personal secrets and awesome deals. Now I want to be totally up front and honest here - if any of you read this post and decide that you want to get in on this awesome essential oil action I will get a small credit, but I'm not into essential oils for the business aspect of it......I'm in it because they work and I'm only sharing about them with you because I really do 100% believe that every household can benefit from using essential oils!

I've already shared my story of how Young Living's Thieves Cleaner has helped me to detox my home and rid our house of toxic chemically laden cleaning supplies. Today I'm going to let you in on the oils I use and love the most.

oily essentials for healthy living

Like I said I've fallen in love with my oils. And I've totally become that girl who says, "Oh, I've got an oil for that!" Ha! Not even kidding, just ask my sister-in-law how many times she's heard me say that line in the last few months. ;)

1. First up, is Frankincense.....which is my second favorite oil of them all, and is one I use twice daily. I mix it with my Argan oil and apply it to my face morning and night. Y'all I'm not even kidding, this stuff is like liquid gold! It does wonders for the skin! It's basically like botox in a bottle - for realz! And it comes in the premium starter kit - which is an awesome way to give it a try!

2. Lavender is one of those oils that can literally be used for everything. It's such a calming and soothing aroma. I've made my own body cream with it which has been such a life saver through the super hard winter we had. No dry chapped skin for me. I also add a couple drops to the laundry when I'm washing our sheets. Nothing says have a good night's rest like Lavender scented sheets! I also love to diffuse it at night before bed to help get me into a peaceful ready for bed state.

3. Peppermint is the oil that got me, hook line and sinker. I've suffered with hormonal headaches at that special time of the month for most of my life and Young Living's peppermint essential oil works like a charm! I no longer need any over the counter stuff; just a couple drops of peppermint oil on my temples and I'm good to go! It's amazing to me how well it works!

4. Next up is Melaleuca which is a fancy name for tea tree oil. It has been keeping the buggies out of my kiddos hair - if you know what I mean. There is usually at least one lice scenario at their elementary school every year, and I've found that tea tree oil keeps those pests away. I add a drop to their heads as well as to their pillows.

5. JOY is without a doubt my favorite oil and the one oil I will not ever go without. ever. I use it every day. a couple of times a day. I LOVE the way it smells! I use it as a perfume and it really does lift my spirits and bring joy to my day - I know so cheese-y but seriously, it's awesome! I also put a couple of drops on cotton balls and stick them in the air vents in my car. Not even kidding, I think that is what has changed my kiddos attitudes after school. The after school car ride home has always been one where they tend to bicker with each other - being tired after a long day of school - but since I've been using Joy as a car freshener I've noticed better attitudes and less arguing. Crazy right?!

6. Lemon and Orange I'm lumping together, although they are equally good for different things. I just tend to find that I use them together quite a bit. I add a couple drops of each to a glass of water a couple times a day. Using them in my water has definitely helped me to start drinking more water as they add a nice citrus flavor. Drinking Lemon in your water detoxifies the liver and aids in digestion. I also use Lemon and Orange as home air fresheners in my diffuser. Lemon and Orange are both great for cleaning and I often add a couple drops to my Thieves cleaning solution.

7. Thieves is the oil that initially peaked my interest. It lives up to the hype. The stuff works people. As crazy and strange as it may sound, rubbing it on the soles of our feet during cold and flu season has helped to keep our family healthy. I know that sounds like some kind of crazy witch doctor voodoo, but all I know is that it works! It's a blend of oils that are known for boosting your body's immunity, and it just so happens to smell like Christmas which isn't a bad thing. It's really good stuff!

8. Last but not least is DiGize, which honestly is the worst smelling oil maybe on the face of the planet. It stinks to high heaven, but it works wonders for tummy troubles. Stomach aches happen sometimes - and when they do DiGize is your best stinky friend. ;) A couple drops rubbed on your tummy is all you need.

Young Living Essential Oils have changed the way my family lives. Our medicine cabinet looks a whole lot different now, and I feel good about using natural remedies that really do work! If you're at all interested in giving essential oils a try I'd highly recommend the Premium starter kit which is absolutely the best deal for the money and will enable you try many of the oils that have become my personal favorites.

You can sign up here if you'd like, and if you do I'd be happy to add you to the Oily Family's Facebook page where you can find out more and get tips on how to use the oils.

I promise not to overload you all with "oily" posts. Making a difference is way more important to me than making a buck. I only shared this info with you all because I know these oils work.

We live in a chemically laden world and we've become accustomed to using toxic personal care products and popping over the counter meds for what ails us, but we don't have to live that way........thanks to companies like Young Living.

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